Jeff and I will be discussing our entire experience of the 2019 Lone Star Game Expo on an upcoming episode of SAFCOcast. We were going to record yesterday, but things got a bit hectic on one end and we had to postpone.
For now, I’ll just do a quick report. Friday was the day I ran Traveller in the afternoon. I met some great players, and they were very patient with me (three of the players are way more experienced Traveller GMs than I am). I’ve written about this in a previous post. It was great.
Saturday Jeff and I rode out to Grapevine together and played Dungeon Crawl Classics with a new friend, Jonny Daylett. We’d never played this before, and it was a crazy good time. Each player started with four zero-level characters. By the end a lot of PCs had died. Mucho fun. Thank, Jonny!
As we are not regular con-goers, we had not signed up for any other games that day. There wasn’t anything else I was that interested in playing, and I didn’t know if I could do 8-10 hours of gaming in a day. One 4-hour game seemed like enough. I’m sure if there had been a Gamma World or Champions game, or another Traveller game, or whatever, I’d have been up for it anyway. As it was, we went for some lunch, then spent the rest of the afternoon in some GMing seminars led by a fellow by the name of Raccoon. We got to his first session a bit late, which neither of us really likes to do, but time got away from us. We’ll discuss the seminars on the podcast next week. The essential are — 1)We were not 100% sure when we walked in how they would be. Raccoon was having some tech issues. He got the issues sorted, but as it turned out we didn’t really miss that much do to the confusion. 2)The rest of the seminars were informative, interactive, and fun. It’s just fun to talk with other people who are into gaming. Again, we’ll get into this on the podcast. In the end I guess we did three of these seminars by Raccoon, and I enjoyed them.
We once again ventured out for food, returning in time to do the 7pm-9pm talk and Q&A by Marc Miller, of Far Future Enterprises/Game Designers Workshop/Traveller fame. As Traveller nuts, we’d been looking forward to this all day. Marc came in early and just started chatting with everyone about gaming and Traveller. The room filled up. It was kind of funny to have Marc there, considering I was the only person who ran a Traveller game, but turnout was considerable for his talk so there is a lot of interest. Everyone knew this talk was going to happen, but the time was not filled in on the schedule until a day or two before the con, so I suspect a lot of people were involved in games at that time as well. I know one of my players was going to run Traveller, but didn’t want it to coincide with Marc’s talk. Turns out Marc did a talk on Friday night as well, which I didn’t discover until Saturday morning, and I’d been checking the schedule daily.
More on the Marc talk – you guessed it – on the podcast. I’ll just say it was cool. We’ll post our notes on the podcast page as well.
We were both pretty wiped out after a 9am-9pm con day, so we bailed on the morning game we had schedule to play on Sunday. Note to self: maybe Sundays are not the best day to have games scheduled if you want your players to turn up.