Some new miniatures for my Traveller game — when the day comes we can meet safely in-person again. 3-day weekend coming up. Will get some painting done, so I primed these tonight. From Reaper Miniatures.
I’ll post progress as I go.
Tabletop RPG Gaming. Traveller, GURPS, D&D
Some new miniatures for my Traveller game — when the day comes we can meet safely in-person again. 3-day weekend coming up. Will get some painting done, so I primed these tonight. From Reaper Miniatures.
I’ll post progress as I go.
These will be the first miniatures I’ve painted in years that aren’t space ships. I’ve got the nice Army Painter set of many many paints.
Primed the minis tonight. I’ve got one that’s a duplicate to start on, and hopefully make the biggest mistakes there. I need a plan, because I want to also do something cool with the bases – like they are standing on terrain.
These are pewter miniatures (not lead like the old days of brain damage) so they’re a bit heavier than the typical plastic miniature you see these days, but the bases are plastic. So I’ll need to add some weight to them without making them too huge.