The Crew
Roger Rogerson – 4 term Scouts. Ace pilot. Wears goggles on his head, even if he doesn’t need ’em. Owner of the Type S Scout ship – “Rambler.”
- “Lucky” – real name Fred Koslowski – multiple maimings and injuries during 4 terms in the Scouts, thus the nickname. Electronics wizard.
- Barney Rubbleton – 4 term Scouts. Expert ships engineer and Jack-of-all-Trades.
- Joe Klowoski – 3 terms Army. An odd character. Highly educated but not that bright, Joe’s commanding officers realized too late they may have promoted him to captain too soon. Joe has a savant-like tactical ability. Joe was found by SAFCO in the outer reaches of the Overon system, in a free-floating escape pod in cold sleep. Upon opening the pod, they found a man who’d been asleep for 56 years. When Joe has a chance he’ll visit the bank and see how much money has accumulated and how much interest he’s earned.
- Arterhas Ralmard – 4 terms Merchant, 2nd officer. Art grew up helping his parents in the store, living in a massive orbital spaceport. He joined the Merchant service to see the galaxy and has travelled far from home. In the Merchants he was found to have a real talent for starship navigation. He is streetwise in a very business sort of way. Art joined up with SAFCO after helping them with some thugs on Mylor.
- Fardt (NPC) – A Gluck from planet Mylor, Fardt tried to pick Rogers pocket in the Happy Gluck Tavern. The crew later hired him on as cook on their ship. A well-meaning rogue, trying to make ends meet in a tough universe.
- Flint Sideron – 4 term former colonel in the RCMP Army. Left the service to chase down the killers of his family, then became a bounty hunter when he returned to no job. Excellent in a fight, great at leadership and tactics, smooth with people.
- the Robot (NPC) – no name thus far. Found on unknown planet in the Void, left behind 450 years previous by unknown explorers. The Robot’s full abilities are unknown, but seems to be a general purpose exploratory/survey assistant.
- Zal Twist (NPC) – exo-archaeologist from the university on planet Zapata, researching the mythical Precursor civilization thought to have existed millennia before current interstellar society.
- Iron Balls McGinty (NPC) – former crew member. Former belter working for Croyd until something better comes along. Iron Balls signed on with the Rambler, his associates having been thwarted. He was “let go” shortly thereafter, as he had no skills they really need. On good terms with the crew.
- Reginald “Reggie” Stormbringer (occasional/guest PC) – 3 terms Army – Lt. Col. Dishonorably discharged after getting in a fistfight with a ranking officer. Made his way to the frontier after months in cold sleep and assisted SAFCO with the rescue of an Atlas class freighter. Reggie is a tank. 6’2″, strong, smart, and great at brawling. Trying to outrun his spoiled military reputation.
Various NPCs.
- Billy Zoom – Imperial Scout Service Administrator, assigned to Mylor Base.
- Gregor Radrowski – Imperial Marines. Rank – Force Commander. From a high gravity world — very strong, great with heavy weapons, prefers the “big gun”, a harness mounted machine gun.
- Clementine Strongbow (deceased) – Imperial Marines. Rank – Captain. Cool in a fight, a veteran of violent conflicts on a dozen world. Killed in action during recon/rescue mission to Planet Trillos, by a Void Bug docked to the telepathic head of the research station there. Bug used greatly boosted telepathic assault to blow up her head.
- Mergatroyd – 7′ tall, 4-eyed humanoid of the Rax species. A rogue who fancies himself a treasure hunter.
- Vern – owner of the Happy Gluck Tavern, former freetrader mechant.
- Resus Peesus – a midlevel illegal arms merchant operating on or near the frontier of the border. Peesus is portly fellow given to wearing ornate jackets, rings on his chubby fingers, and snacking on sweets. He enjoys gambling, and is very good at it. He won’t voluntarily put himself at risk, preferring to make deals and take what profit he can.
- Percius Pringle – a dealer in salvaged starship components, based on Overon. Percy is also a good gambler, and will try to win merchandise in games of skill or chance. Wears a ruby pinky ring. Caucasian human male, 5’5″, chubby, long gray ponytail.
NPC Group – The Scumbags – a band of pirates/criminals/dirtbags that followed the PCs to the Precursor moon, and were defeated in session 2.
- Croyd (deceased) – Captain of Scumbags and “owner” of the modified type-a freetrader, the HellHound.
- Tommy the Gimp – Croyd’s gunner. Currently in jail after being turned in by the crew for bounty.
- Glych – serpentoid rifleman and hired muscle. Currently in jail after being turned in by the crew for bounty.
- Merriwether – ship’s engineer. Currently in jail after being turned in by the crew for bounty.
- Ronda the Pilot – former scout – was kicked out after 1 term for unethical behavior. Pilot of Croyd’s ship. Released and freed by the crew when they returned to Mylor.
- the Crab – crustaceaniod crew member of the Scumbags. Currently in jail after being turned in by the crew for bounty.
- Jonesy – Scumbags crew member. Vacc suit expert. Currently in jail after being turned in by the crew for bounty.
The Galactic Brotherhood. Spread throughout known space are an organization of beggar monks. All are blind, with cloudy eyes. They bless those who give to them. There motive outside their religions, if there are any, are unknown.
Ridley Consortium of Mining Planets (RCMP). A group of six planets in the Prometheus subsector, all part of a consortium of mining companies. The maintain their own planetary defense forces while the Imperium supplies space defense (see description of the Overon system).
Samson Mining. Small mining company operating on planet Uetonah, seeking admission to the RCMP.